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What are modules


Modules are Javascript files that can be dynamically loaded from the server and executed on the client - with features such as parameters, callbacks and Typescript typings support.


By executing injectify.module('example', 'test'), a request will be sent to load a module named example with the parameters of test.

This module is then parsed by the server and if the module contains server-side snippets, the server will execute them. Once complete, the server will send the module over to the client where it will be executed.

The module can run a variety of server-side snippets, including:

  • Shell commands
  • Functions - require() supported
  • Calculations



All modules are preprocessed by webpack into a single bundle.js. Webpack allows you to import NPM modules, create modular scripts and include local resources.

Webpack imports

Import statements

Typescript (Optional)

You can use Typescript to write next generation ES7 and have it compile to older-browser compatible javascript. All the necessary typings have been created & documented for you, so you can fully utilize the Injectify API

VS Code intellisense



Developer-first experience

Injectify was built to be super easy to customize hence the reason to use NodeJS (instead of a lower-level langauge such as Java or C++).

The developer experience whilst developing modules is performant and easy to debug, all the below features are available when the client connects via debug mode

  • Source code is un-minfified - viewable in the DevTools sources pane
  • Verbose console output - module calls, stack traces etc.
  • Hot reloading - each time you make a change, the core is reloaded without the page reloading
  • Websocket inspection - request JSON inspectable
Devtools enhancements
